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History of Kamado Grills

Today, kamado grills can be found across backyards around the world. Brands like Kamado Joe, Primo, Grill Dome, and Big Green Egg have been around for sometime and have an almost cult-like following. Even BBQ powerhouse Weber is now getting in the game with its Summit Line. The technology itself has been around for more than 4,000 years. "Clay cooking pots and stoves have been found in every part of the world and some of the earliest dated by archaeologists to be over 3,000 years old have been found in China and over 4,000 years in Indus Valley Civilization, India. Many kamados have dampers and draft doors for better heat control. Clay stoves have evolved in many different ways across the globe, the tandoor for example in India, and in Japan the mushikamado is designed to steam rice and is used by Japanese families for ceremonial occasions. Fuels may include charcoal and dry twigs or straw, and wood among others. A kamado (竈) is a traditional Japanese wood or charcoal fueled cook stove. The name kamado is, in fact, the Japanese word for “stove” or “cooking range”. Literally, it means “place for the cauldron”. A movable kamado called "mushikamado" came to the attention of Americans after the Second World War and is now found in the US as a Kamado style cooker or Barbecue grill. The mushikamado is a round clay pot with a removable domed clay lid and was typically found in Southern Japan."-wikipedia

Most modern kamado grills are made from ceramics. The use of ceramics has many advantages over other materials, mainly the excellent heat retention. Ceramic grills can retain heat for long periods of time, making them extremely versatile as they can be used for grilling, smoking, and baking. Kamados can reach consistent temperatures as low as 225° F and as high as 750°+ F. Using the vent system, precise control of airflow can be maintained, allowing kamados to function much like wood-fired ovens and they can be used to roast or bake anything. The use of modern ceramics also ensures that kamados seldom crack, which was a common fault in the original Japanese design.

For many of us, cooking on the Kamado has become a pastime, and like many pastimes it has a rich and long history. It seems that often the simplest technology is the longest lasting, proving the saying "why mess with a good thing?" Im not sure sure if people will still be smoking meat on Kamado Joes & BGE's in a millenea but there doesnt seem a subsitute or alternative to the tried and true charcoal fueled "low and slow."

BBQ guys has a great side by side breakdown of the Kamado

additional sources: BBQ Guys, Wikipedia

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